guitarist ian luther

From 1992 to ’96 guitarist Ian Luther played alongside Dave ‘Celtic’ Cox as the Twist Devils duo, performing at over 200 UK venues each year. Since then he has travelled across Europe as a live solo artist, entertaining audiences with his exhilarating and distinctive music style. He also works alongside other special guest musicians. Ian writes a lot of his own songs and is always and exploring new material and ideas.
You can listen to Ian Luther’s signature hillbilly version of ‘Hey Joe!’ at Soundtrack reverbnation
Ian’s recent music releases include,
The End of the World, album 2018
The Lonely Road, album 2015
The Lonesome Busker – single 2012
Banging on a Big Bass Drum – single 2011
The Twist – single 2011
and are all available at Apple Music
Find out about Ian and enjoy more of his work at his official site
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